Friday, 29 July 2016

An Afternoon in the Botanical Garden

Don't you just love parks and botanical gardens with all the flowers and greenness around you? For me their calm atmosphere in the middle of the city is always something special. Thus, I could't help but spending one sunny afternoon in the Botanical garden (Botanischer Garten) of Graz. And I can tell you, it was totally worth visiting!

I was told that the garden is a bit further away and that I should probably take a tram to go there. However, I decided to walk and arrived to the gates in less than half an hour. That is to say, totally doable walking distance.

The Botanical garden consists of an outside area and a big glasshouse divided into four sections; The tropical or warm house, the cold house, the temperate house and the succulent house. The walking-ways in and between these houses were nicely organized with wooden paths and bridges in the middle of the vegetation. In fact, moving around was so smooth, I hardly even noticed passing the same crossings several times.

My favourite of the greenhouses was the tropical one (as usual) with all it's colorful flowers and wonderful shapes of plants. The big bud of the waterlily just made me wish I could revisit this glasshouse in a week or two when it will be open.

The temperate house had wonderful flowers as well! Unfortunately some of them were slightly far away from the paths and thus didn't look so pretty in the pictures. In the real life they were truly beautiful though. Well, I caught something in the picture anyhow.

The gardens outside were well made too; several different landscapes and plants from different parts of the world. The small waterlily pond with benches around it was especially lovely place to rest for a while and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere.

Slightly hidden, across the small road passing on the right side of the Botanical garden, there was a hidden treasure; a nicely made kitchen garden as well as small paths going through carefully planted flowers and herbs. And furthest back I found these beauties...

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